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Tuesday's Three Burning Legal Questions

Here are today's three burning legal questions, along with the answers provided by the blogosphere.

1) Question: When I left for work today, my 3 million bees were safely in their hives in my driveway. I come home from work -- no bees! Who steals bees? What kind of neighborhood is this?

Answer: Sometimes the state Health Department will have the local beekeepers association confiscate millions of bees kept in a homeowner's driveway if the neighbors complain about the constant buzz and the bees are not registered with the Health Department. (CBS, Millions of bees confiscated from NY man's driveway)

2) Question: Serious question: Are there Sasquatches in Montana? I'm pretty sure I just hit one with my car.

Answer: I cannot say whether there are Sasquatches in Montana. But, sadly, sometimes people dress up as Sasquatch at night to try to create reports of a Sasquatch on the loose and get hit by cars. (Jonathan Turley, Running Over Big Foot: Montana Man Hit and Killed Along Highway Trying To Convince Drivers That He Is The Sasquatch)

3) Question: My boyfriend and I have been known to make quite a bit of noise while having sex (for four to seven hours at a time, five nights a week), and now the police are at my door to talk about it. Ha! I mean, really -- what are they going to do, arrest us? Take us out of our own house and tell us we cannot have sex? Charge us with violating the Environmental Protection Act of 1993 due to noise pollution?

Answer: Yes, yes and yes. (, SA couple face $4000 fine for loud sex)

Posted by Bruce Carton on August 28, 2012 at 02:23 PM | Permalink | Comments (1)


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